Thursday, January 28, 2016
Mawanusa Blog: The Apsaras and Their Pets
Mawanusa Blog: The Apsaras and Their Pets: If you are traveling to Angkor complex or visiting Khmer temples probably you will notice that in every temple you enter, you will easily ...
The Apsaras and Their Pets
If you are
traveling to Angkor complex or visiting Khmer temples probably you will notice
that in every temple you enter, you will easily witness some beautiful
carvings, ornaments, and many figures and figurines to decorate the temple
entrance, walls, passages, etc. The most noticeable probably those figure of
Apsara, the heavenly dancers or dancer of the God Kingdom in the heaven shown
on earth. In almost in every temple you will
find the Apsara, small size, medium or large size, flying Apsaras with many
details, styles, shown how it was the dance, with different costumes, hair
styles, accessories and beautiful faces. The process to build the temples and to
carve these figures probably takes such long period of times. The work is so
fine and very details in every carving displayed here.
Talking about the
Apsara; mostly in one temple, the style of Apsara perhaps has a bit similarity.
The only different probably the cluster display, group of apsara from one lower
level of the temple to higher ground like the apsara of the Bakan look prettier than other Apsaras in Angkor Wat.
Their faces are
also slightly different from one to the other or group of Apsaras to the other
group in the different corner of the temple’s wall; this is probably because of
the different individual worker or group of workers who carved these statues
that perhaps their faces were copies of the Apsara’s faces or at least applied
as self-portrait-carving kind of.
During the pose
or dance, the Apsaras dressed extremely beautiful with many accessories from
head to toe. As well as every Apsara will carry her own things for purpose or something
in her hands like lotus flowers, bouquet of jasmine flowers, flower arrangement
on sticks, mirror, combs, offerings, as well as carry animals or something else.
The Apsaras carried
animals in her hands, I presumed that those Apsaras has their very own preference
animal or their own pet/s. I found few of them carried bird/pigeon, rooster/chicken/bird, fishes, etc.
I am not a scholar
neither expert on Angkor but I love Angkor complex which I spent more than
eight years in Cambodia in both Siem Reap
(more than 6 years) and Phnom Penh (2
years). As I visited and explored the temple as many as 50-60 times, sometime I
managed myself to discover something that I never see before in the temple
complex. As soon as I start to detail evry corner of the complex as well as the
carvings, hidden graffiti, the more I luckily see by my own eyes something new
about this magnificent civilization in the ancient era, like this beautiful
carving of Apsaras carried their pets.
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About the image above: An Apsara with something (probably animal) Nokor Bachey temple |
Why the Apsara carry animals?
As I found in
some temples I have visited, I have seen pigeon/bird, chicken/rooster/bird and fish
that attached to the Apsara’s hands. The Apsara like to carry animals probably
for some reasons as:
2. Probably their pet
3. Probably for the offerings
4. It might the Apsara would like to offer special dance related to the animal
5. Probably that particular animals were the sign of the area
6. Send a message as in particular form of the animal
7. Probably it was preference of the artist that carved the statue
8. Every animals has its meaning and represent something
Animal symbols related
to the Apsara appearance
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About the image above: an Apsara with a bird/pigeon Nokor Bachey temple |
Apsara carries bird/ pigeon: pigeon is
amazing creature and probably the oldest domestic bird that recorded in almost
every era of civilization. It is show that pigeon is very smart, pure,
intelligent, and has very good navigation ability. If you release the pigeon;
it will be easily find its way back home. The pigeon has strong connection
between itself, the owner and its surroundings. The pigeon is a lovely bird,
strength, stubborn and the pigeon as symbol of accomplishments of some
important work or tasks. Bird flies high into the sky that show strength,
energy-fly away, view from above and bounce back! The dance to attract the
unknown spiritual source to bring the blessing back to earth for the people in
the Khmer Kingdom!
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About the image above; An Apsara with rooster/chicken/female chicken Ta Phrom temple |
Apsara carries rooster/bird/chicken/female chicken: rooster
symbolize abundance blessings today’s life of providence, a thankful gesture to
be born, it is positive relation between human and creator. It is between mind
and super mind, intellectual and super intellectual, sexuality, fertility, grow
and future. It is after the equinox of chicken egg, it is dynamic, balancing
and popular as domestic animal very close to human as well as to create harmony.
The spirit of the rooster is that usually use instinct to detect the ground to
search food and keep it to her chicks. The beauty symbol of the roster is also
for motherhood power of keeping relationship harmonious, responsible and productive,
and protective. All vibration that Apsara show us when she carried rooster while
she socialize and appear in the public.
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About the image above: An Apsara with fish on her left hand Ta Phrom temple |
Apsara carries fish: in this
topic of the Apsara carries fish probably more complex compare to few others
scenes that I saw in the temple. Fishes related to water, blue water, instinct,
depth (probably of knowledge), mysteries and consciousness. The fish is a
symbol of birth in the womb of water of deep lake of the Tonle Saap; which
probably live many spices of fish alive and nobody have any clue actuality how
deep it is and what living creature that live in it. Nobody can see the bottom
of the lake, the people of Angkor probably just guess with uncertain answer left
In the east, the fish is a symbol of good luck,
happiness, fertility, knowledge and abundance. The Apsara dance with fish in
her hand probably is to wish you good luck, give you abundance of energy,
knowledge as well as harmony as the fish swim in deep blue water that calm,
intelligent, happiness and eternity will merged together in the act of blessing
dance ceremony.
In Hinduism the fish is a form of avatar of Vishnu
as Matsya, a giant fish with human head skimmed to save the planet earth. While
in the Buddhism, fish is one of the eight auspicious symbols as follows: white
conch, precious umbrella, banner, golden fish, dhama wheel, drawing, lotus
flower and vase of treasure.
In the Khmer
philosophy (mostly based on Hinduism and Buddhism), bird, rooster, fish and
probably other few animals have their own meanings and symbols toward faith,
spiritual and daily life.
Recently I only
discovered 2 different Apsaras with their pets around the temple in Angkor
complex at Ta Phrom temple as well as 1 or 2 at the Nokor Bachey temple which
is 1 of them I am not sure if it is really animal or something else as the
figure has very bad condition, but I am pretty sure a lot more need to discover
in few other locations in the future. If you found new feature of this kind,
please update to get better information.
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Mawanusa Blog: The Buddha's Hand Citrus Fruit
Mawanusa Blog: The Buddha's Hand Citrus Fruit: There is citrus plant which produces fruit with many segments human-like finger clusters or resemble human fingers from 5-20 segments, so ...
The Buddha's Hand Citrus Fruit
There is citrus
plant which produces fruit with many segments human-like finger clusters or
resemble human fingers from 5-20 segments, so called Buddha Hands. I do not
really know who actually called that way for the first time. But I knew that
type of citrus usually presented in the altar or placed as an offering during
the special Buddha related day, as an offering during New Year in Vietnam with
another 4 kind of fruits, it is symbol of luck, happiness, bright day, prosper,
good fortune as well as longevity.
About the image above: display of Buddha's Hand at fruit market
in Ho Chi Minh City
About the image above: the segments of the Buddha's Hand
About the image above: inside of the Buddha's Hand fruit
This intriguing citrus
fruit is cultivated through its seeds (but
so far I did not find any seed yet from many fruit I have cut and use in my
food) or cutting from the branches.
The tree will grow as young tree large shrub and the branches with thorny
spikes, evergreen and produce flower then young fruits. The leaves are purple
when young and turn to green as soon as grow tall as 3-5 meters or more. The
white-purple flowers then turn to green-purple fruits when young and turned to
green and then become very beautiful yellow lemon fruit when it ready to
The native of the
Buddha’s Hand citrus to North East India, China and surroundings region and now
can fine in many part of the world. In the ancient time the Buddha’s Hand was
in use religion purposes as offering and sometime for the ingredients of
traditional healing medicine, but today many uses of this mutant bizarre-look
citrus as discovered of the content in it and the creativity of talented chefs.
This ornamental
fruit has very mysterious, mind healing, delicious, nature clean, last long
fragrance as you displayed in the room will give amazing perfume about a week
or more if you store it in the air-conditioned room.
The use of the Buddha’s
Hand citrus fruit
- Religius: as display for offering during particular Buddha’s day or New Year offering as in Vietnam consider one of the 5 kind of fruits (Mam Ngu Qua – together with green bananas, plums, peaches and orange or chilies)
- Medicine: As ingredient of traditional medicine or tonic. Boiled in water and drink it to cure stomach ache and reduce blood pressure.
- Beverage: soaked in wine or vodka and keep for a month then drink for the amazing aroma and texture of the beverage
- Food: to flavor the food like cream caramel, crème brule, vinaigrette, salad dressing, jam, pastry, ingredient for salad, serve to flavor cheese and many more.
- Perfume/fragrant: to give fragrant smell for the room when you hang it.
Buddha’s Hand Vinaigrette
Make 1 cup
2/3 cup of extra virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons of grapeseed oil
3 tablespoons of rice vinegar
1 tablespoons of lemon juice
1 finger of Buddha’s Hand zest
Salt and pepper to taste
About the image above: Buddha's Hand vinaigrette
To prepare the
vinaigrette: in a blender, combine the ingredients and blend them to combine.
Store it in a container for later use.
Sliced Black Forest Ham and Asparagus with Buddha’s
hand Vinaigrette
Makes 2 servings
12 pieces of cooked green asparagus
16 slices of black forest ham
3 tablespoons of Buddha’s hand vinaigrette
Some milled black pepper
About the image above: sliced black forest ham
green asparagus and Buddha's Hand vinaigrette
To prepare the
salad: arrange the asparagus and sliced black forest ham nicely on plate.
Drizzle with
Buddha’s Hand vinaigrette and sprinkled with some zest and serve immediately.
Seared Kampachi Fillet with Buddha’s Hand Shallot
Makes 2 servings
4 fillets of fresh kampachi, about 80 grams each
salt and pepper to taste
½ piece of lemon to season
4 tablespoons of Buddha’s Hand Shallot Butter
1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
Buddha’s Hand Shallot Butter
Make ½ cup
2 fingers of Buddha’s Hand zest
1 tablespoon of chopped shallot
1/3 cup of white wine
½ cup of unsalted butter
salt and pepper to taste
dash of chili flakes
½ tablespoon of freshly squeezed yellow lemon juice
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About the image above: seared kampachi fillet with Buddha's Hand shallot buffet |
To prepare the
sauce: in a small pot combine the chopped shallot and white wine and reduce it
to half. Add in the butter and quickly combine with the Buddha’s Hand zest,
lemon juice, salt, pepper and chili flakes. Check the seasonings and serve it
with the fish.
To prepare the
kampachi: season and marinated the fish with salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive
oil. Seared the kampachi and then place in a try, to cook further in the oven for
about 5 minutes at 185 degrees Celsius.
Arrange the kampachi fillet on a plate and serve it with Buddha’s Hand
shallot butter. Serve it immediately.
Hand Smoothies
Makes 4 servings
cups of milk
cups of yogurt
tablespoon of Buddha’s Hand zest
of lemon honey
teaspoon of freshly squeeze lemon juice
cup of crushed ice
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About the image above: Buddha's Hand smoothies |
To prepare the
smoothies: combine the ingredients in a blender and pulse it to smooth the Buddha’s
Hand zest and make sure it is mixed well. Keep in fridge until you need to
serve. The cooler is the better. Pour in glasses when serving. Garnish with
some of the Buddha’s Hand zest and serve.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Mawanusa Blog: A JOURNEY OF AFTERLIFE: THE UNDERWORLD CONCEPT OF ...: In every era of civilization and religion there is a concept of the living being. They understood and manifest their very own beliefs fo...
every era of civilization and religion there is a concept of the living being.
They understood and manifest their very own beliefs for several centuries that
human being was not just a ‘living being’ but also takes a journey from the
Mighty Creator toward a better way of life in the afterlife. The journey of
every soul started from birth, living on this physical plain, death and the
experience with the underworld. There are many long roads and different stages that
had to be travelled by the soul. The journey of the human soul and the human
heart will be weighed during the judgment day at the hall of Osiris, with seven
steps of seven skies to the altar of God himself.
About the image above: coffin for mummy
From the collection of Aswan Museum
the everyday experiences that we see, the human being consists of the physical body
and there is a living being in it, we often refer to as the soul. But in the
ancient Egyptian religion the human being consisted of few parts.
Ha or Haw
is the human that can be easily recognized. The human body that hold the soul
or the medium that soul exist in it. The birth of a child from every mother and
grow up to be older and pass the time to afterlife.
About the image above: Ba statue
From the collection of Aswan Museum
‘Ba’ is the soul of the body. The
manifestation of the ‘Ba’ is the main
spiritual aspect for the survival of the human body that existed in the human
body to create a living being. The appearance of the ‘Ba’ was portrayed as a human–headed falcon. Even when the human
body has been mummified, the ‘Ba’ still
exist and sometimes it was shown flying or hovering over the mummy, entering
the tomb and meet others in the afterlife, or flying to join the ‘Ka’ in the afterlife. The ‘Ba’ is a unique character and personality
as mentioned in the Coffin Texts that
‘Ba’ comes into existence after the
human body is considered dead, it is acting like a living body that can eat,
drink, sleep, copulate, is corporeal just like in the real world. ‘Ba’ is stated to be the one who give
the direction of living (WpÃw bЗ is hnt
nr ‘nhw – WpÃw, as a Ba at very top of living – Pyramid Texts §1899c)
is also recorded in the Conversation of Man
and ‘Ba’, when the ‘Ba’ would like to leave the body of man, there said to
be a dispute between the body of man and his own ‘Ba’.
‘Ka’ is a vital spark of the
existence of the ‘Ba’, a duplication
of the body that made ‘Ba’ existed,
as a reproduction of the projection of the individual, it is a spiritual entity
that was believed living within the body while one is alive and it also survive
after death. It was when ‘Khum’
created an individual person then the ‘Ka’
started following this creation through the entire physical life and afterlife.
The projection of the ‘Ka’ has to be the same as the individual self. The ‘Ka’ for women is a woman, the ‘Ka’ for man is a man, and the ‘Ka’ for child is a child. When a person
dies, the ‘Ka’ will stay at the tomb
as independent being, sustained through a variety of offerings presented in the
About the image above: cobra head statue
From the collection of Cairo museum
most inner core of the ‘Ba’, the
spark of the divine-light from inside of the essence of the most self. The ‘Akh’ is the immortal part of the soul
that will emerge and form again after the person passed the judgment after
death. The ‘Ba’ and ‘Ka’ will be united
in the journey to create a divine soul known as Akh (or Akhu, Ikhu, Khu).
‘Akh’ was believed to live for
eternity unharmed. In ancient Egypt it was also believed that the proper
funeral sequences, proper offerings of special prayers and spells, mummification
process, the tomb offerings, strictly following the funerary literatures as
mentioned in the Coffin Texts and the
Book of the Dead or ‘Per-t-Em-Hru’ - all
of these processes will allow the soul not to die for the second time.
Journey of the ‘Akh’ started from the
separation of the soul after death to become as ‘Ba’ and ‘Ka’, and then followed
by the judgment day with many questions and witnesses and then reunite again as
a process of a long journey afterlife.
mentioned above were the most important elements of the soul processes of death
in the ancient Egypt religion. However those processes became more elaborate
with the extension of the following part of the process toward the progress of
the soul in the afterlife and the soul’s journey towards the Creator.
part is very important to the quality of the soul, the ‘Ib’ (or Yb or Ab) or called the heart. The heart handles very
important role toward the quality of the soul. The heart or ‘Ib’ is the residence of the ‘Ka’. The ‘Ib’ is more important and plays greater role than the brain itself
and of immense importance during the ‘Judgment
of the Dead’ weighing the dead person’s heart on a scale with Thot and
Seshat as witness. How pure was your heart to influence the ‘Ba’ on its action through the ‘Ha’.
‘Ib’ is the intelligent interior of the created wishes, intentions, attentions,
attractions, through thought, mind, and ego. The heart is the state of the true
self to navigate the soul since the heart is also the source of good and evil
state of mind, positive and negative and continuously influencing the evolution
of the soul and its journey.
existence of the individual ‘Ba’, the
owner of the body is the ‘Ren’ or the
name of the person that has to be maintained in good manner. The name given at
childbirth in the ancient Egypt was given for public name and the other name
was the secret name that only the mother knows. The secret name has to be kept secret
for many reasons including power, magic purposes, etc. The ‘Ren’ is the name of the soul and the body during its lifetime. The
name of the person while in this world and will continue to carry this name to
the world afterlife, if the name was a bad person the people will remember that
you are bad forever, but if a good person you will be maintained and the people
will remember your efforts as a good person, and your name will survive, to be
read and spoken forever.
is a ‘Shadow’- a protection shadow or ‘Sheut’ was a blessing for the ancient
Egyptian; it is an essential part of the living being. The power of ‘Ba’ and ‘Ka’ is referred to as a protection of the living soul and
connection with the other world, the universe and God himself (Ntr – Netjer - God).
About the image above: scene from papyri book of dead
From the collection of Alexandria Library
journey of the soul afterlife in the ancient Egyptian was quite complex with
all the beliefs, ceremonies and offerings. The sequence of the treatment of
souls starts from conception in the womb of the mother, until the baby is born
and slowly matures, applying the rules of social norms, having a good conduct guided
by Maat, prayer and belief in the rules of Gods and Goddess. While living, they
dedicated their time to build temples, learned things that are related to the
progress of life and to make sure they make no mistakes in thinking, speaking
and no act of wrong doing.
afterlife journey is as much as important as the life on the physical realm itself
and even in some part it is even much more important since this is the journey
that has no return and has to be kept harmoniously with the soul as mentioned
in many literatures. The journey to the external house of the dead that was built
in the imagination of ancient Egyptians was believed to have corresponded to
the ideas of the afterlife.
Crossing the Celestial River: The Journey begins by
crossing the river from the east side of the river bank (probably the river
Nile) by boat to the Land of the West (the land of the dead). The boat
navigated by the ferryman Makhaf on boat of Aken – who will then transport the
soul from the Land of the East of the river to the land on the West side of the
tests were happening during the crossing of the river. The demon snake appeared
in front of the Akh and tries to
attack him. Since the journey started, the ‘Akh’
has difficulties crossing the river so there was a need to say some prayers or
spell to protect him during his trip, the spell 33: ‘O Rerek snake, go from the way and take yourself off the way, Geb will
protect me, get up for you have eaten a mouse which Re detest’. On this way
to the land of the west, the ‘Akh’
needs to change its appearance and become a lotus flower, as a camouflage. The
ferryman will also help the soul by keeping the owner of the boat awake, but
the boat owner was so upset and unhappy because he carries the soul to the west
and he only wanted to carry the soul to the west if the ‘Akh’ can correctly name all parts of his boat. If the ‘Akh’ can answer all the questions and
passes this test then the owner of the boat will agree to transport the ‘Akh’ to the other side of the river.
Passing the gates and labyrinths by answering questions: After reaching the west
side of the river then the soul will reach the first of the many doors and
labyrinths. Every time the soul passed through one door, automatically the door
will ask certain question, the soul need to answer correctly and honestly to
pass through the next door and this door will also ask a different question and
the same sequence continue until the soul reach to its final destination at the
Court of the Underworld.
the earlier papyri version the ‘Papyrus
of Nu, 1’ it was mentioned that
the underworld of the ancient Egypt has seven Arits or gates with its personal
gatekeeper, watcher and herald.
1: Gatekeeper: Shkhet-Hra-Asht-Aru, Watcher:
Semetu, Herald: Hu-Kheru
2: Gatekeeper: Tun-Hat, Watcher:
Seqet-Hra, Herald: Sabes
3: Gatekeeper: Am-Huat-Ent-Pehui-Fi, Watcher:
Res-Hra, Herald: Uaau
4: Gatekeeper: Khesef-Hra—Asht-Kheru, Watcher:
Res-Ab, Herald: Neteka-Hra-Khesef-Atu
5: Gatekeeper: Ankh-Em-Fentu, Watcher;
Ashebu, Herald: Teb-her-Kehaat
6: Gatekeeper: Aken-tau-K-ha-Kheru, Watcher:
An-Hra, Herald: Metes-Hra-Ari-She
7; Gatekeeper: Metes-Sen, Watcher:
Aaa-Kheru, Herald: Khesef-Hra-Khemiu
the seven gates, there were smaller gates that the soul needed to pass through.
In the ‘Secret Gates of the house of Osiris in Sekhet-Aaru’ there were twenty
one gates mentioned with very long names
of the gates, this was maybe to make sure the soul that passed would remember the
name of the gate when asked by the gatekeeper. Only ten of the gates mentioned
the names of the gatekeeper.
Gate 1: Neb-Setau-Qat-Sebt-Hert-Nebt-Khebkhebt-Sert-Metu-khesefet-Nesheniu-Nemehet-Uai-En-I-Uau,
The gatekeeper is Neri
Gate 2: Nebt-Pet-Hent-Taui-Nesbit—Nebt-Tememu-Tent-bu-Nebu,
the gatekeeper is Mes-Peh (Mes-Ptah)
Gate 3: Nebt-Khaut-Aat-Aabet-Senetchemet-
Neter-Neb-Am-S-Hru-Khent-Er-Abtu, the gatekeeper is Ertat-Sebanqa
Gate 4:
Sekhemet-Tesu-Hent-Taui-hetchet-Khefti-Nu-Urt-Ab-Arit-Saru-Shut-Em-Au, the
gatekeeper is Nekau
Gate 5:
Nebt-Rekhu-Resht-Tebhet-Tatu-An-Aq-Eres-Un-Tep-F, the gatekeeper is Henti-Requ
Gate 6: Nebt-Senket-Aat-hemhemet-An-Rekh-Tu-Qa-S-Er-Usekh-S-An-Qemtu-Qet-S-Em-Shaa-Au-hefu-Her-S-An-Rekh-Tennu-Mes-En-Thu-Kher-hat-urtu-Ab,
the gatekeeper is Smamti
Gate 7:
Akkit-Hebset-Bak-Aakebit-Mert-Sehap-Khat, the gatekeeper is Akenti
Gate 8: Rekhet-Besu-Akhmet-Tchafu-Sept-Pau-Khat-Tet-Smam-An-Netchnetch-
Atet-Sesh-Her-S-Sent-Nah-S, the gatekeeper is khu-Tchef-F
Gate 9:
the gatekeeper is Tchesef
Gate 10:
the gatekeeper is Sekhen-Ur
the following eleven more gates, there were no gatekeepers mentioned.
Gate 11: Nemt-Tesu-Ubtet-Sebau-Hent-Ent-Sebkhet-Nebt-Aru-Nes-Ahehi-Hru-En-Ankhekh
Gate 12:
Gate 13: Sta-En-Asar-Aaui-F-Her-S-Sehetchet-Hap-Em-Ament-F
Gate 14: Nebt-Tenten-Khebt-Her-Tesheru-Aru-Nes-Haker-Hru-En-Setemet-Au
Gate 15:
Gate 16: Nerutet-Nebt-Aatet-khaa-khau-Em-Ba-En-Ret-khebsu-mit-En-Reth-Sert-Per-Qemamet-Shat
Gate: 17: Khebt-Her-Senf-Ahbit-Nebt-Uauiuait
Gate 18:
Gate: 19: Sert-Nehepu-Em-Aha-S-Ursh-Shemmet-Nebt-Useru-Anu-En-Tehuti-Tchesef
Gate 20: Amt-Khen-Tepeh-Neb-S-Hebs-Ren-S-Ament-Qemamu-S-Thetet-Hati-En-Am-S
Gate 21: Tem-Sia-Er-Metuu-Ari-hemen-Hai-Nebau-S
The different
versions of the gates had different ways of treating the dead, in terms of the
ceremony, offerings and the special day of doing these ceremonies. This is
crucial to help soul pass through the gates.
Being let into the great Court of the Underworld by God Aker: The Aker (Akeru or
Akerui) were the two flanking lions facing both ways. Aker is the guardian of
sunrise and sunset. Aker guarded the court of the fourteen judges in the
ancient Egyptian underworld. The two lions are named, Bakhu facing the sunrise
in the eastern side, and Manu facing the sunset in the western side. The two
lions were symbolizing two opposite things: the soul’s journey to say goodbye
to the life on earth and to welcome the arrival to the underworld.
Addressing a jury of fourteen judges about the deeds during
life on earth: The
deceased ‘Akh’ addressing the jury started
with the Declaration of Innocence:
to you, great God, Lord of Justice! I have come to you, my lord that you may
bring me so that I may see your beauty, for I know you and I know your name,
and I know the name of forty two Gods of those who are with you in this Hall of
Justice, who live on those who cherish evil and who gulp down their blood on
that day of the reckoning of characters in the presence of Wennefer. Behold the
double son of the Songstresses; lord of Truth is your name. Behold I have come
to you, I have brought you truth, I have repelled falsehood for you.
About the image above: weighing the heart
against the feather of truth
From the collection of Alexandria Llibrary
have not done falsehood against men
have not impoverished my associate
have done no wrong in the Place of Truth
have not learnt that which is not
have done no evil
have not daily made labor in excess of what was to be done for me
name has not reached the offices of those who control slaves
have not deprived the orphan of his property
have not done what the Gods detest
have not slandered a servant to his master
have not cause pain
have not made hungry
have not made to weep
have not killed
have not turned anyone over to a killer
have not caused anyone’s suffering
have not diminished the food offerings in the temples
have not debased the offering cakes of the Gods
have not taken the cakes of the blessed
have not copulated illicitly
have not been unchaste
have not increased nor diminished the measure
have not diminished the palm
have not encroached upon fields
have not added to the balance weights
have not tempered with the plumb bob of the balance
have not taken milk from a child’s mouth
have not driven small cattle from their herbage
have not snared birds for the God’s harpoon barbs
have not caught fish of their lagoons
have not stopped the flow of water in its seasons
have not built a dam against flowing water
have not quenched a fire in its time
have not failed to observe the days for haunches of meat
have not kept cattle away from God’s property
have not blocked God at his processions
am Pure. I am pure. I am Pure. I am pure. My purity is the purity of the great
phoenix that is in Heracleopolis, because I am indeed the nose of the Lord of
Wins who made all men live on that day of completing the sacred eye in
Heliopolis in the second month of the winter’slast day, in the presence of the
lord of this land. I am he who saw the completion of the Sacred Eye of
Heliopolis, and nothing evil shall come into being against me in this land in
this Hall of Justice, because I know the name of these Gods who are in it.
Far-strider who came forth from Heliopolis, I have no falsehood.
Fire-embracer who came forth from Kheraha, I have not robbed.
Norsey who came forth from Hermopolis, I have not been rapacious.
Swallower of shades who came forth from the cavern, I have not stolen.
Dangerous One who came forth from Rosetjau, I have not killed men.
Double Lion who came forth from the sky, I have not destroyed food supplies.
Fiery Eyes who came forth from Letopolis, I have done no crookedness.
Flame which came forth from backwards, I have not stolen the God’s offerings.
Bone-breaker who came forth from Heracleopolis, I have not told lies.
Green of flame who came forth from Memphis, I have not taken food.
You of the cavern who came forth from the West, I have not been sullen.
White of teeth who came forth from the Faiyum, I have not transgressed.
Blood eater who came forth from the shambles, I have not killed a sacred bull.
Eater of the entrails who came forth from the House of Thirty, I have not
committed perjury.
lord of Truth who came forth from Maaty, I have not stolen bread.
Wanderer who came forth from Bubastis, I have not eavesdropped.
Pale One who came forth from Heliopolis, I have not babbled.
Doubly evil who came forth from Andjet, I have not disputed except concerning
my own property.
Wememty-snake who came forth from the place of execution, I have not fornicated
with a child.
You who see whom you bring who came forth from the House of Min, I have not
You who are over the Old One who came forth from Imau, I have not made terror.
Demolisher who came forth from Xois, I have not transgressed.
Disturber who came forth from Weryt, I have not been hot tempered.
Youth who came forth from the Heliopolitan nome, I have not been deaf to words
of truth.
Foreteller who came forth from Wenes, I have not made disturbance.
You of the altar who came forth from the secret place, I have not hoodwinked.
You whose face is behind him who came forth from the Cavern of Wrong, I have
neither misconducted myself nor copulated with a boy.
Hot foot who came forth from the dusk, I have not been neglectful.
You of the Darkness who came forth from the darkness, I have not been
Bringer of your offering who came forth from Sais, I have not been unduly
Owner of Faces who came forth from Nedjefet, I have not been impatient.
Accuser who came forth from Wedjenet, I have not transgressed my nature; I have
not washed out the picture of a God.
Owner of Horns who came forth from Asyut, I have not been voluble in speech.
Nefertum who came forth from Memphis, I have done no wrong, I have seen no
Tempsep who came forth from busiris, I have not made conjuration against the
You who acted according to your Will, who came forth from Tjebu, I have not
waded in water.
Water-smiter who came forth from the Abyss, I have not been loud-voiced.
Prosperer of the Common Folk who came forth from your house, I have not reviled
Bestower of Good who came forth from the Harpoon nome, I have not been puffed
Bestower of Power who came forth from City, I have not made distinctions for
Serpent with raised head, who came forth from the cavern, I am not wealthy
except with my own property.
carrier-off of His Portion who came forth from the Silent land, I have not
blasphemed god in my city.
(Translated by Allen and
tests did not stop here, further journey will continue to different parts of
the Underworld.
Taken by Anubis to Balance of Truth to weigh his heart for
Anubis will lead the deceased Akh to the balancing scale in the Hall of Ma’at,
the God of Truth by his right hand while his left hand carries the key of life.
On the scale of Truth, appeared the Goddess of Justice, Truth and Order, Ma’at
as a symbol of the fair and true balancing scale. For this scene was mentioned
in the papyrus of Ani: ‘Pay good heed to
the weighing in the balance of the heart of the Osiris, the singing women of
Amen, Anhani, whose word is truth, and place thou her heart in the seat of truth
in the presence of Great God’.
is responsible to weigh the heart, the heart of the deceased Ankh kept in a jar
and placed in one of the weighing pans and the other side is weighted with the
feather of God Ma’at.
Papyrus Ani:
Oh my heart of my being
Do not rise up against me
as witness
Do not oppose me in the tribunal
Do not rebel against me
before the guardian of the scales
You are my Ka within my
The Khum who prospers my
Go to the good place
prepared for us
Do not make my name stink
before them
The magistrates who put
peoples in their places
If it is good for us it is
good for the judge
It pleases him who renders
Do not invent like before
the God
Before the great God, the
Lord of the West
Lo, your uprightness brings
the weighing of the heart, also appeared Ammit (Ammut) the deity of the
funerary. Ammit took the form of hippo-lion and crocodile. His titles were the
Heart Eater, Great Dead and the Devourer of the Dead. The most important
journey is in this part. The ‘Akh’
need to convince that he is innocent and to make sure that ‘Ammit’ will not swallow the heart of the deceased ‘Akh’. If the heart is swallowed by
‘Ammit’, then the ‘Akh’ will not
be able to continue his journey to the Hall of Osiris and his immortality. The
‘Akh’ will be restless forever or ‘to die
for the second time’.
the ‘Akh’ passed in this part of the journey then he will continue his voyage
to the next hall.
If the heart wasn’t heavy, brought by Horus to Chief Judge
The ‘Akh’ will be escorted by Horus to
the Hall of Osiris and he will have a ‘question and answer session’ with Thoth
the God of Scribe.
From the Book of Dead:
Thoth: ‘Come’, says Thot
‘why have you come?’
Akh: ‘I have come and press
forward so that I may be announced’
Thoth: ‘What now is your
Akh: ‘I am purified from
evil things, I am protected from the evil deeds of those who live in their
days; I am not amongst them’.
Thoth: ‘Now I will announce
you. But who is he whose heaven is fire, whose wall is cobras, and whose floor
is a stream of water? Who is he, I say?’
Akh: ‘He is Osiris’
Thoth: ‘Come forward, then,
you will be announced to him. Your cakes will come from the Eye of Ra, your
beer from the Eye, your meals of the dead from the Eye. This has been decreed
for the Osiris the overseer of the house of the overseer of the seal, Nu,
this conversation, then Horus will continue to hold the deceased ‘Akh’ hand to Osiris and identified as
one of his followers with good manner and righteous heart. And Horus convinced
Osiris that this Akh is pure and asked Osiris to grant him to enter His Hall. ‘His
heart is righteous, and it hath come forth from the Balance; it hath not sinned
against any God or any Goddess. Thoth hath weighted it according to the decree
pronounced unto him by the Company of the Gods and it is most true and
righteous. Grant thou that cakes and ale may be given unto him, and let him
appear in the presence of the God Osiris, and let him be like into the
Followers of Horus forever and ever’. (Papyrus
who is sitting on his throne with the water lily flower growing from the water
under his feet and the four sons of Horus stand on the flower, will then receive
and accept the ‘Akh’ in the
Underworld as Horus followers. Osiris accompanied by Isis and Nepthys. He
accepted the presence of the ‘Akh’ because
he was pure and has no sins.
Entering the Fields of the Reed (paradise) and get the eternal
life: The
pure ‘Akh’ then can pass the Hall of
Osiris and granted a plot of land to start his life in the afterlife. The ‘Akh’ was also being able to reunite
with their family in the afterlife of the underworld, after the seven steps
toward the test and judgments then finally the soul to be granted to enter the
field of eternity, a place in the blessed land. The ‘Akh’ will now in the place
called paradise. Only the immortal souls, the souls that have no sin will
occupy this place and granted a piece of slot land of eternal life and be happy
Regional section of the
to the Papyrus Nu 1, the ancient Egypt believed that the underworld
(heaven and hell) are divided into fourteen Regions called Aat. Each of this
Aat presided over by special God.
names of the regions are:
1: Amentet
Name: Amsu-Qet or Menu-Qet
this region a man lived on cake and ale.
2: Shekhet-Aaru
Name: Ra-Herukhuti
wall of iron, the wheat here is five cubits high, the barley is seven cubits
high and the Spirits who reap them are nine cubits high.
3: Aatenkhu
Name: Osiris or Ra
4: Tui-Qaui-Aaui
Name: Sati-Temui
5: Aatenkhu
Name: Osiris
Spirits live here upon the inert and feeble
6: Ammenhet
Name: Sekher-At or Sekher-Remus
was to the sacred god, the spirits could not find this out and it was accursed
for the dead
7: Ases
the serpent Rerek lives
region of burning, fiery flame
8: Ha-Hetep or Ha Sert
name: Qa-Ha-Hetep or Fa-Pet
region containing roaring torrents of water
9: Akesi
Name: Maa-Thetef
region which is unknown even to the God
only inhabitant is the ‘God who dwelleth in his egg’.
10: Nut-Ent-Qahu or Apt-Ent-Qahu
Name: Nahu, Kapet and Neheb Kahu
city of Qahu
11: Atu
Name Sept or Sothis
12: Unt
Name: Hetemet-baiu or Astchetet-Em-Ament
13: Uart-Ent-Mu
Name: Hebt-Re-F
deity of hippopotamus
14: Kher-Aha
Name: Hap or the Nile
a mountainous region of Kher-Aha, quiet region
journey of the soul continues to this region according to the fair judgment
they receive. In a particular region of their afterlife, the soul will
experience a process of self-improvement, depending on what they have done in
the real life on earth. Were they helpful, having good conduct, speaking kindly
with respect, etc. or were they doing the opposite? The souls will receive
progress in the afterlife until such time that they will be born again to a
different personality on earth. This will only happen after the time passed in
this region of Aat, except for the souls that gain the eternal life, they will
never return to this physical realm for rebirth, as they will be granted a
place in the field of reeds of Sheket Aaru in the world of Osiris.
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